The Housing Management Team:
Who are we:
Steven Martin Housing Management Manager
Tracy Sweetenham Housing Management Team Leader
Elaine Torrens Housing Management Worker
Nike John Housing Management Worker
Andrea Archer Housing Management Worker
Steven Judd Housing Management Worker
Daniel Mitchell-Innes Housing Management Worker
What do we do:
We have the responsibility of maintaining the rental income to the Society through rent monitoring. We monitor Housing Benefit claims. That claims are up and running and personal rent payments are being made. Working and supporting residents should they fall into arrears.
Regarding maintenance issues with your home and the buildings in general. For example Central heating, plumbing, electrical maintenance, windows & doors, flooring, fixtures and fittings and garden areas (where applicable). Should you need assistance / works of this kind, then please refer to the Maintenance Department.
Housing Management monitors resident behaviour with regards to Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB). For example loud music, banging doors, threatening or abusive behaviour. We support the residents that are victims of this behaviour and act against those causing ASB.
Housing Management:
The Society of St James and the Housing Management Team have now a wider remit, around the safeguarding and welfare of others. But also following the decision by Supporting People to focus support into a Floating Support Model. The Housing Management Team & the Operational Security Team will fulfil the role of a link to the floating support team, providing specialist housing advice.
If you have any concerns you can talk to one of the team and they will help you access the appropriate support agency. The Operational Security Team members will also fulfil this role during their visits.
Call the Housing Management Team: 023 80 717273
(9–5 Mon –Thurs 9–4.30 Fridays)