The SSJ Service User & Residents Association (SURA)
THE MISSION what do we do
Ensure that SSJ Service Users & Residents have a active role as shapers of decisions and are partners in all SSJ planning and decision-making activities. And that, power is reasonably redistributed through negotiation and co-production between SSJ and service users and residents.
OUR VALUES what values are we bringing
SURA believes that:
- All service users and residents are the experts of their own lives and SURA also recognises that people may need support to realise this.
- All service users and residents should have equality of opportunity, regardless of race, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation, additional needs, or any other possible grounds for discrimination, to “have their voices heard” and acted upon
OUR METHODS how do we do it
The above is achieved via:
- A SURA working committee and strong membership
- A clear avenue for communication
- A wide range of activities, to both find out, acknowledge and successfully act upon the views of SSJ service users and residents
- The placement and centralisation of service user involvement within SSJ operations, with fair & mutually agreed outcomes
- The publication of quarterly reports to SSJ, acknowledgement in receipt of from SSJ and timely and appropriate response from SSJ